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There are a lot of people with MM who have been using Tumeric (cucurmin) with excellent results. I have filed in the back of mind as a mental note to look more into this.  I posted the following on my Caring Bridge site and wanted to share it.

CB Entry (Out of Order)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ok… I’m on a VERY high cloud right now!


Christian Wilde, author of Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair, called me today on the phone!

I first heard him a couple of years ago on the radio talking about adult stem cells curing over 70 diseases and what it could do specifically for patients who have suffered heart attacks, etc. Anyway, I was so fascinated by his interview (little did I know I would become intimately involved with adult stem cells!) that I bought both of his books and read them cover to cover.

When Dave made medical history at Little Rock with his Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments and subsequent stem cell collection, I sent Mr. Wilde an email telling him what occurred. He immediately responded and validated our results with his own research and further validated my proactive activity to help Dave overcome his disease.

Today he called for a couple of reasons. First he wanted to know how Dave was doing now. He also wanted to send to me the latest research on Tumeric (cucurmin) by Dr. Bharat Aggarwal from MD Anderson. It was such a timely phone call… There has been much written recently about MM patients taking this to suppress their disease and the research regarding this “spice” in treating cancers. I was looking into it a lot recently on and off trying to decipher if we should include it in Dave’s treatment as a complimentary therapy.

There are obvious considerations when doing this since they have found Green Tea inhibits Velcade (a common chemo drug for MM). He and I talked about this point and so the research papers he will be sending me will be very helpful on that when I speak to Dave’s doctor in the fall when we are there. I will feel armed with some data. I haven’t gotten it yet, but the upshot is, it helps the chemo in fighting the disease – so I’m looking forward to reading the findings. (As an aside the Green Tea stories that hit the press were sorely lacking in the actual data from the study.  The AMOUNT of Green Tea extract you would have to take to interfere with Velcade was way beyond what a normal person would ingest.  I urge you to read the studies vs. reading the newspaper reports – ALWAYS!)

Anyway, the timing was amazing. He also is working on doing another show with Dr. Aggarwal on Coast to Coast AM and I will look forward to catching it. He also asked if he could refer a friend recently diagnosed with MM in the hopes I could offer him some guidance and information on his disease.

If you don’t know about Christian Wilde, he was once a songwriter for some very famous musical groups in the 50’s and 60’s. He became interested in this subject quite by accident and has embarked on an all consuming quest to put into layman’s terms, new innovative medical treatments for all sorts of deadly diseases and conditions. His work is always backed up by the latest medical research and doctors are very willing to allow him to interview them. He is a GEM!

Ok, so now I have to get back to my mundane day of laundry and sweeping the floor! hahaha

PS Dave and I have included Tumeric/Cucurmin in our daily regimen, but as with all “other” things he abstains on his Velcade Infusion days, just in case.  I have also begun to cook with it more whenever our food allows for it to be added. For more information on Tumeric/Cucurmin I urge you to visit Margaret’s Blog, she has written extensively on the subject.

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