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“…I figured I had been dealt a terrible hand and I had two choices: fight, or roll over and die. It was a pretty simple decision.” – Nick 

Nick and Dave were diagnosed a few months apart and both of us independently through our research and even different thought processes decided to treat in Arkansas. We had different doctors, similar presentations in that they are both “low risk”, and kept missing each other in the treatment process, but we met later on and it has been wonderful for me as well as for Dave. Our children were grown and Nick’s were little tikes. We had different family issues, but we all plowed through managing to get it done 2,200 miles from home.

Anyway, Nick continues to be my “go to” guy when someone asks me technical questions about treatment, drugs, and myeloma.

He has completed an interview with a healthcare website called CureTalk. (interview link here)

Do yourself a favor and give it a read. He is a no nonsense, take no prisoners kind of guy that I have a personal and profound respect for, as well as his beautiful, wonderful wife and caregiver.


3 Responses to “CureTalk Interview – Nick van Dyke”

  1. Lori Puente says:

    Thanks Karen, I will surely pass along your good wishes to Nick and Jill.
    I thought you would like the interview Doug. Pretty concise and to the point! 🙂

  2. Doug says:

    That was a nice interview….thank you for sending it out to us Lori.

  3. hi lori, great post. i have read nick’s blog for ages, but i can’t comment as i have no creds, blogger status. matter of fact, i just came from his site, and he’s having a bout with a complication and is in the hospital. so imagine my surprise to see your post! if i may, i would like to wish nick a speedy comfirmation of his diagnoses, and then a very speedy recovery. i so admire you, nick – you, right along with lori, give testament to how essential it is for patients and their caregivers to be informed and resourceful advocates and partner up with their medical team. i will keep you and jill close to my heart and wish you both comfort and strength. thanks lori for allowing me to let nick know i am thinking of him. hugs, karen

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