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Are You New Here?

Where do I start?

“History and experience tell us that moral progress comes not in comfortable and complacent times, but out of trial and confusion.” – Gerald R. Ford 

I will leave this up for awhile, so look for newer posts below…

I have a stats program on my blog that tells me what folks are reading when they stop by. I have noticed in the last month that I probably have a lot of new readers. I’m sorry that you have MM, but I’m glad that you have found me. Because I have been blogging for sometime, not all about MM, I wanted to make sure that you cut right to the stuff you need so that you feel less overwhelmed in your search for information. Please use my “New?” tab at the top of my blog. It will get you better directed on what you need to read right now to find the assistance that will be most helpful to you in your search for information and potential treatment options.

While you might be feeling extremely overwhelmed with all the bloggers and information, know that just a few short years ago, we weren’t on the net. It was very hard to find up to date information about MM and treatment options. So take your time and begin gathering your information. Most MM patients/caregivers are extremely open to dialog with you. If there is someone that particularly appeals to you, contact them. Don’t be shy. If we are online pouring out our experiences, you can rest assured that we care a great deal about others that are on this road.

And by the way, I do respond to questions, so if you see one in a comment that I didn’t respond to there, it’s because I responded to them directly via email. Sometimes its best to have a more direct dialog.

9 Responses to “Are You New Here?”

  1. Lori Puente says:

    Thank you Nancy! I hope your husband can get all fixed up and get on the course again!

  2. Nancy Egger says:

    as I said… he has MM and a tumor with lesions and dreams of playing golf again. I checked on our carrier here in California for the spine treatment. The search showed they had done only one of the procedures your hubby had! I am wondering how we find out if he is a candidate for it. I don’t ever go to my web address but I live on FB. so happy to see a group on there. We have been swirling alone for 6 months since diagnosis. God bless you for your efforts.

  3. Nancy Egger says:

    Lori, My husband’s dream is to be able to swing a golfclub again. ; )

  4. Keep up the great work, Lori! Thanks for blogging regularly and sharing your experiences as a multiple myeloma caregiver- Pat

  5. Lori says:

    You are so welcome Nita. I’m sorry that you have ventured into “Myelomaville”. Come join us at the FB group when you get a chance. It’s on my resources page.

  6. Nita Farquhar says:

    I am the caregiver(for the second time in my life..my first husband passed away in ’91 with a brain tumor) My husband, Robbie, was diagnosed with MM in December ’10. He’s had 10 radiation treatments and I think about 23 treatments of Velcade. As I sit here in the Huntsville, AL hospital watching him spin out those stem cells, I am thankful for people like you who take the time to help people like me! Thank you!

  7. John Kovalchick says:

    Lori: What a site!:) My better1/2 (Wendy) who is caregiver 101 helped me find you. I find out about this MM thingie with a blood test in early Feb./2011. Weak, tired, ETC. . .WOWIE, led to a BMB and on 2/11/11, I was diagnosed with an aggressive IGA Stage 2. I hit the VRD (as it got a hold of me) for 5 cycles and harvested Mr. stem cells in July. Did 5 cycles as we wanted to postpone SCT for a month. Wellllllll, I developed a drag nasty case of pneumonia. My oncologist said at 55 yrs. young I am fortunate to be in CR. After 4 cycles, I was in VGPR. . .Of course, the other side of MM’ville would be not to transplant??? I can’t find any info, blogs, etc. on non-transplantation after achieving CR with initial high-dose dopage! Any thoughts???

  8. David Haas says:

    I have a question about your blog. Please email me!

  9. Sarah says:

    What a great idea to help the newbies that have joined our unplanned journey!

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