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Geraldine Ferraro

Geraldine Ferraro was a pioneer in many areas, just one of them was Multiple Myeloma.

A couple of weeks ago there was a story in the news on Ms. Ferraro and I wondered at the time how she was doing with her Myeloma. It would seem now, that it was a bit of a forewarning that she wasn’t doing well.

This can be unnerving for us who are fighting this disease when we read about someone who by all accounts is a Myeloma Hero in that she had soundly beat the odds, succumbs to this disease.

This is when we have a choice in how we view it and how we allow it to affect us.

I remember years ago when she did an interview/story about her Myeloma. She chatted while she was getting a weekly infusion, the lack of inconvenience, how quick it was, the side effects were minimal, she was living her life, it was what it was. She talked about her diagnosis and that she told her doctor she wanted to see her grandchildren graduate high school. After she continued to surpass the best case survival scenarios at the time her doctor quipped, “You’ll be paying for their college education!” As she recounted the conversation she was beaming with pride in her family and that indeed she was doing just that. I remember distinctly, at the time, being very admiring of her grace, her courage, how she was LIVING her life fully, despite her cancer. And, to fully disclose, this was BEFORE Dave was diagnosed. I didn’t remember that it was probably one of the first times I had ever heard of Myeloma and I didn’t connect the dots until after Dave was diagnosed that she and Dave shared the same disease. Reflecting on her interview then, I was hopeful for Dave.

So while I’m sad, and I could feel devastated by this news, I also can look at that in the twelve years with this disease she wrote books, continued to be a political guest on many shows, enjoyed her family, fought for hematology funding and education in all sorts of capacities, using her name and fame to further the research for all of us to benefit.

I don’t know about you, but I’m impressed. She was 75 years old and lived a full and productive life. Her family and friends will miss her, I will miss her, but I thank her for all that she did to further our cause and through that effort I’m certain her legacy will continue on in the fight to bring new treatments and ultimately a cure for Multiple Myeloma.

Thank you Ms. Ferraro, for all that you did, for showing us how to live in spite of such burdens, making it look like water rolling off a duck’s back.


So while we can feel unnerved, exasperated, even depressed, perhaps we could reflect on her life in a broader way and be grateful that she had such an amazing life, before, during and after her Myeloma diagnosis. There is much to celebrate about her life and contribution. Have heart, be strong, continue to live your life in a way that brings you joys, both big and small. I’m quite certain she would tell us all to do just that!

I was recently approved as a ‘writer’ for Technorati. I wrote my first article today: http://technorati.com/entertainment/celebrity/article/geraldine-ferraro-rip/

7 Responses to “Geraldine Ferraro – A Myeloma Hero”

  1. Lori says:

    Thank you Andy! I’m sorry that you have MM, but I’m extremely happy that you are doing well and living your life! It’s good to make your acquaintance and I look forward to hearing from you more, I’m sure you will have much to offer those newly on this difficult journey.

  2. Andy Alexander says:

    Congrats on your first Technorati approved article Lori – that’s how I found you. I go to their site frequently as a tech geek; and as a 47 year old who battles MM, my eye was drawn to your article you posted about Geraldine’s life and battle. Now that I know you’re out there, I’ll bookmark your blog and come back to read your entries from time to time. I was diagnosed three years ago, doing well and living life.

    My best,
    Andy Alexander
    Plano TX

  3. Lori says:

    Thank you all for your comments on Geraldine Ferraro’s life and journey with multiple myeloma. I truly believe, despite the fact that she died from this horrible disease, we can still find her journey one of inspiration and hope.

  4. Jen Walker says:


    Your words continue to be so inspiring. My heart skipped a beat (or two) when I saw the news earlier today that Ms. Ferraro had passed away from “complications” from her “bone marrow cancer diagnosis”. It wasn’t until I read/researched further that I saw that she had been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. NBC News did not even identify her battle wit Multiple Myeloma specifically. I had no idea.

    It inspires me, as well as Mike, now that he knows this information, to continue to fight the good fight and how far positive attitudes can take us. There are certainly tough days….but if Ms. Ferraro could win the fight with MM for so many years, in the days before we have what medical advances we have today, then the rest of us can , too!

    I have renewed my “shout out” to everyone I know to continue to support the MMRF.

    Jen and Mike Walker

  5. Barbara Legacy says:

    Dear Lori,
    I really appreciate reading what you had to say today. Its helpful to be reminded of the perspective we all need to maintain during situations like this.

  6. Valentina Pozin says:

    Dear Lori,
    Thank you very much for making our life a little easier.
    Good luck to your Family,
    Valentina Pozin

  7. Lori: I also recall when I first heard that Ms. Ferraro was diagnosed with MM. And, I remember knowing that it was cancer ….but knew nothing about Myeloma.

    Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog about our granddaughter’s Science Project on Myeloma. We looked up information on Ms. Ferraro, and I thought “Wow, she’s LIVING with cancer …….not dying with it.”

    What a great post you’ve written – and you’ve said what we all feel. Thanks for writing!

    What a great lady, in so many ways. How sad that she’s gone – but she claimed the disease ….. it didn’t claim her.


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