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CB# 31

July 11, 2008

“Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle.” – Elizabeth David

ARGH! In the midst of all the things I’m dealing with, an employee at UMD mentioned to me that my car tags were days away from being what we call “dead”. It can be quite a pricey fine and I was in the midst of leaving for California and Hudson was in the midst of flying out to get the said car, the dog, and drive across the country. How was I going to handle all of this? I didn’t even have a Maryland home address anymore!

I took a deep breath, postulated someone both interested and helpful would pick up the phone, and called the dreaded bureaucracy of the local Motor Vehicle Administration. Much to my delight, my miracle happened. I explained my situation and a wonderful young woman on the phone said, “No problem. Where do you want me to send them. I will expedite it.” Holy Moly! I would have kissed her had I been there in person!

Additionally, my dear friend Jude, agreed to take Kip to the vet for me to get a full check up before he headed off across the country with Hud toward his new home.

The push to leave Maryland is continuing and getting more and more intense.  I can’t believe I’m leaving after living here 27 years. So much invested. So many friends and memories. Dave is getting anxious for me to arrive and in the process of getting the loan documents all signed for the new digs and arrival of his parents and the movers. I’ll be leaving in 36 hours and its a bit surreal. I’m anxious to SEE Dave.

Our new home will be only a couple minutes from his office, so I’m looking forward to helping him get back to the things that give him purpose.  Knowing when to push and how much to push is always a delicate balance. Like a parent with a child, you try to find the right balance of pushing when necessary and when they are ready, even if they aren’t sure they are. My Dad was always GREAT at that, so I had a good teacher! 🙂

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