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“Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.” – Kak Sri

Sean, of Myeloma Youreloma, is a regular columnist over at The Myeloma Beacon. He is a writer by profession, an artist with words, and I always enjoy both his blog posts and his articles.

He has written a lovely article as we head into the Holiday Season, that I think probably illustrates what many of us, on “The Other Side” of treatment are feeling this year.

For those of you who may be embarking on your treatment, during the holidays, I hope that you can find a way to have the point of view, that you are truly blessed to be in a position to have your treatment.

I wish for you, like Sean, Dave and I, and countless others, that next Christmas you will look back at all that you went through and find those small and special things that you are so happy to have back in your life!

For Dave and I, doing his treatment from Thanksgiving thru New Year’s meant that he wasn’t missed as much at work. It was a new job, and they were so incredibly supportive. We needed his job, for everything in our life – our livelihood, healthcare, our future, our children’s college expenses. We felt so grateful to have a couple of months where his co-workers wouldn’t miss him quite as much because of all the days off during those months. It was like a miracle handed to us and we viewed it as our good fortune.

So, don’t despair. Do what you can to make it special and know that it is one of the stepping stones to getting your health and well being back.

For those MM Caregivers who have recently lost their loved ones and are trying to figure out HOW to get through this holiday – know that my day will not be complete without taking a moment to think of you, your loved one, and your families. You are, forever, in my heart, my inspiration, my strength, and my hero.

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