Jul 13th, 2009 by Lori Puente
As I’m working on this Blog, this chronicle, this “story”, I am keenly aware that neither I, nor Dave, or this experience is unique. Its important that I let you know that I know that. While our personal experience, and the cathartic writing it all down and sharing it is a very self absorbing activity, I am keenly aware that it is not unique. But for someone who has just been thrust into this situation I hope you can find solace in knowing you are not alone. If you can have a realization or two, or forgive yourself, laugh out loud, or cry – with me. I think its a good thing.
You can do this. Be brave, have courage, you WILL come out the other side, somehow, but only if you keep moving forward.
“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill
I received an email from a fellow MM Caregiver today commenting on this latest endeavor (the blog) and she said, “… it sounds like you certainly have had some amazing people with you along the way helping you through.” She is completely right, I have had the most wonderful friends, family and complete strangers help me get through…
Tags: quote, thoughts, unique
We must be of like mine Lori as my daughter Angelique said those very words from Churchill to me when I entered hell.
I think you are unique. I am unique too. This is unique to us.
Love Renee xoxo