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“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” – Dr. Seuss

Often I will put up a post about a topic I have something to say about that came to me randomly. Someone wrote something, commented, alluded to it, and the light bulb goes off in my head, Oh I have something to say about that, or to add to the discussion.

One person wrote to me about what we MMer’s lovingly call “Dex Day!” I’ll be writing more about those nasty steroids in a later post. I’m collecting some “data” on the subject. Her boyfriend (that’s right, boyfriend!) has MM and she is not in the caregiver loop quite in the same way, not being his wife. And of course all her friends and family have told her she is CRAZY to be in a relationship with someone who has cancer! (Another subject!) So since she doesn’t have anyone to talk about it with, she writes to me from time to time. Trying to get some insight on different things about Myeloma. She noticed that on the days he takes Dex he is aggressive, short tempered, and other adjectives that I won’t repeat here. I had to laugh. I shouldn’t, but its comical now, now that we don’t have to deal with that anymore. Dave made us all cry, his mother, father, our son, me. It got so bad that one day I packed my suitcase, I was going to a hotel. I just couldn’t take it anymore. His mother talked me out of it. Poor thing. Dave doesn’t remember any of it. Really? You don’t remember what a horse’s pahtoot you were? Well, let me tell you… (and does that mean he doesn’t remember how I utterly failed as a caregiver? Let’s hope so.)

If you have something that has been on your mind, waiting around for me to address it might take a while for it to randomly appear in my menopausal brain. Feel free to write to me directly and just ask me to write about it, my experience, or thought on this or that. I’m almost never without something to say. Its an affliction I still haven’t grown out of I’m afraid.

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